Images Rotated

When uploading photos, your images may sometimes appear to upload "sideways". Craft Maker Pro does not rotate images during the upload process. So your photo may appear to be "sideways" because the  photo was actually taken vertically and the image file is actually in this orientation.

For example, if you hold the phone upright and take a photo, so the photo is vertical or portrait, then the actual image file is technically horizontal, as all photos are "sideways", (think of a 4x6 photo coming out of the printer), you would need to turn the photo right side up to view it vertically. This is the same with a digital photo. When you view on a computer, or upload, you may see the image sideways. If so, then would then need to rotate the image using your photo viewing or editing software.

After the image is rotated, then you can upload it and it will appear correctly. This may vary based on your computer software, browser and/or camera.

Please see these articles for assistance: